A couple of months back in Shayla LaVeaux Shooting Schedule: Winter 2016 [1], I mentioned that Shayla and Jay Crew worked out a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’ content trade in Las Vegas earlier this year. Did I also mention that Lon and I shot BTS for their scene? Why, of course, I did!
The actual scene video will be forthcoming as a CLIPS4SALE.COM download, but to whet your whistle (and other instruments), scores of those pix, as well as my post-coital video interview of the two principals have been published at SHAYLA.COM. I obviously made the wrong employment choices in the 1990’s, since my reunions with former colleagues have been wanting for toy shows, fellatio, and multi-positional intercourse.
Summing up, this update consisted of 164 BTS pix (15 color/149 monochrome) and 1 view-only BTS video with a 5:23 running time.
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