Sorry for the odd blogs lately, but that’s how it goes sometimes. … Weird things happen in life and in my mind. Hey at least I admit it. 🙄
Well it’s been a heck of a couple of days. … First off I’m okay, but my car (Lu Lu) isn’t. 🙁 I was coming home from my girlfriend’s house last night after doing a live show. I was on the highway, going under the speed limit due to weather conditions. I was changing lanes and my wheel caught ice – slush and shot me into the guardrail on driver’s side. I boomeranged sideways, across the highway. One car missed me; another caught my passenger side slowing me down some … blowing out my side window. I hit the guardrail on the other side of the highway, finally coming to a stop — perfectly — on the side of the road going the right direction. Whew!!
Wouldn’t ya know it, there was a cop parked on the frontage road (napping) right where I stopped. I had to honk and flag him down to get his attention. I can’t believe he didn’t hear the chaos. My car is totaled. There isn’t one salvageable piece, except maybe my new tires and the seats. 😥 I loved that car, but she protected me and kept me safe. … Everyone is okay and that’s all that matters!!!!!! Next up, I’m going to court to fight the ticket, and then I’ll look for a new car. Sigh!!!!
Sometimes (not very often) I’m a person of very few words, especially when it comes to writing. One of my strengths has always been interacting with people. … Face to face, at conventions – dancing – signings – shoots etc. … I like to see the person I’m communicating with, and to have a physical connection. … No, I’m not just talking sexually. (Although that is very NICE!!) I like eye contact. I want to see your expressions and feel your energy. Okay, so it is sounding sexual, I can’t help it. … It comes naturally!!! Now that my site is up and running I have posts, blogs and stories to write. I have to get used to interacting with people through this technology. Patience and perseverance!!!!! Something I am excited about and that is right up my alley are live shows! Woohoo!!! That way we can all be satisfied!!!!! 😆 I’m off to the grocery store. Then I’ll walk the dog, work out, and head over to my girlfriend’s house to get my camera set up for live shows and to practice spray tanning. Until next time. … Enjoy the journey!!!!
I always forget how much the AEE kicks my ass. Late nights – tons of fun and mass amounts of people will do that to ya. I can’t believe it’s been over a week since the convention!! Usually it takes me a couple of days of peace and quiet to get back on track, but this trip I brought home a bug that had me down and out all week. 🙁
There was so much that happened over those 4 days for me one of the highlights was….
An unexpected guest — Cheyenne Silver!!!!! It was so nice catching up and getting to know her better! We had a blast!!! The other beautiful accessory to our suite, was Ms. Cytherea! Dang that girl is a bundle of energy!!!! I had the pleasure of shooting (camera), an amazing G/G scene with these 2 hot ladies. Not sure how good the camera work was. … I had a lot of distractions!!!! 😉 The scene will be up soon, on, and plenty of pics of our time in Vegas can be seen on Risque, too.
The trip was a whirlwind of dinners – interviews – fans and fun!!!!!
I’m off to walk the dog, hit the gym, and get some work done!!!
For me, the New Year means reflecting on the past year – setting goals – letting go and moving on. … A fresh start, so to speak. Sometimes easier said then done, but I have the best intentions!!
Tomorrow I head to LV for the AEE (CES). I am really looking forward to it!!! This will be the 1st year that I will be attending, without having any commitments or schedule. Yahoo!!!! I will be promoting – shooting new content – taking in all of the eye candy, and whatever else I want to do.
Before we disembarked on this adventure, we put up a new set of pics and video on….This one has the amazing Nici Sterling, Wilde Oscar and Alicia (a newbie). This scene has all of my favorite components for a scene — hot women and a real dick!!!! 😀 I believe this was my 1st scene with Nici. She is someone I have loved ever since she came into the biz. … Gorgeous, smart and soooo sexy. Wilde Oscar is a great guy all around, and Nici’s other half, which in my opinion always makes for a great scene … as long as everyone is comfortable. (They were!!!) And the beautiful Alicia — she was new, hot and eager!!! There are plenty more hot scenes where that came from!!!! Stop by and check out