RISQUE REFLECTIONS new update! (09/03/14)

The newest clip for sale featuring Shayla LaVeaux is “Window to the World”, which was previously described as a component of the Shayla.com Update Alert (04/26/13).

Window to the World

A friend of mine shot this masturbation clip for me while we were in LV. After all, what good is Vegas without multiple orgasms? So far this friend and I have never fucked, but my little devilish side likes to see how much I can turn him on and torture him. I tell you, watching guys around me try to hide hardons in their pants really gets me wet. Sure I’m a tease, but I do please — and eventually I please a lot. What are friends for?

Length: 6 minutes
Format: WMV
HD Size: 184 MB
HD Price: $7.99 USD
SD Size: 68 MB
SD Price: $6.99 USD

Format: MP4
HD Size: 452 MB
HD Price: $7.99 USD
SD Size: 146 MB
SD Price: $6.99 USD





Shayla LaVeaux scene release update Sept 2014 [1]


Luke is doing an inspection on the mysterious Miss Ivy’s house… and discovers his friend Rose there. But she’s acting very, very strangely…
Starring Summer Carter, Shayla LaVeaux, and Tyler Nixon!
You can find QuickTime and Windows Media Player trailers! c4s.com

Price: $39.99 USD
Length: 48 minutes
Size: 801 MB
Format: WMV
Added: 8/22/14 11:46am
Price: $39.99 USD
Length: 48 minutes
Size: 814 MB
Format: MOV
Added: 8/22/14 11:46am

Whoa, that’s pricey.
I know what you are thinking: then, there had better be a lot of Shayla LaVeaux having a lot of sex in it! Well, think no more. Shayla performs a g/g, a solo, and a b/g/g; taking up about 40% of the running time to do so. Shot on August 16, 2014, the turnaround time or this project was a mere SIX days. MIND CONTROL THEATRE no longer produces content for physical DVDs, so the exclusive outlet for this video is Daphne Rosen’s CLIPS4SALE store, DAPHNESFANTASIES.COM. Daphne is also credited as the screenwriter of “The Room”. The DP was Barry Wood, who has worked on dozens of Shayla’s past movies, most notably as the director of YOUR TIME IS UP (2002).

I’m not spoiling anything by stating that “Madam” Ivy is eventually hypnotized into sex slavery, since that is standard formula within the mind control genre. However, the bizarre twist on this occasion is that she was the one who had the mesmerism chamber constructed for use on unwary visitors. Madam Ivy is quite the most nefarious character Shayla has ever played. There is even an insinuation that she might be a serial killer.

Collect Shayla at her most effervescently evil for only $39.99 from DAPHNESFANTASIES.COM.


Shayla.com Update Alert (08/26/14)

Two years ago, Shayla LaVeaux was in Las Vegas for only the last day of AEE 2012. Thus, the number of locations available for nude photography was limited to pretty much the Grand Poobah’s hotel suite; particularly, his wet bar sink. The main photo set derived from this shoot was published back on 02/01/12. This current update is the second to feature BTS pix taken during that shoot.

The video component of this update is made up of 5 clips, only one of which is relevant to the photo content. The others were shot years later, whilst AEE 2014 was in operation.

In total this content update consisted of 23 BTS photos (or only 21, as one pic is actually a triptych) and 5 video clips (or only 4, as a couple are LQ/HD versions of the same content.

1. Starting Slow: THE WARM UP runs 00:35 with file size of 8 MB. It is a very brief outtake real showing Shayla rehearse her monologue for the ensuing clip.

2. Starting Slow: DAY ONE runs 02:30 with a file size of 32 MB. This was an attempt to get Shayla hip to the idea of video blogging for YouTube and the like. It was shot her first night attending AEE 2014.

3. Subtle Motivation runs 00:28 with a file size of 6 MB. Lensed by D.Minion during the photo shoot which provided the image set for this update.

4. Dancing Feet [LQ] runs 02:20 with a file size of 9 MB. This is the same MP4 available at Shayla’s clip store in higher quality formats, not to mention the following.

5. Dancing Feet [HD] runs 02:20 with a file size of 173 MB. This is yet another iteration of the same clip described in RISQUE REFLECTIONS new update! (08/06/14).

All that new stuff and quite a bit more vintage material are available with a $20/month subscription to SHAYLA.COM.


letting a mind run to waist, so to speak