Category Archives: The Road

Appearing Live Tonight through Saturday!

Shayla LaVeaux returns to feature dancing starting tonight at the Bouzouki Greektown in Detroit, MI.
There will be three shows per night over three nights and anything else one needs to know was pretty much covered in all the posts I’ve made about this topic — yeah, that means EVERY POST THIS MONTH!

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Once again, Olivia Parrish will be co-featuring and one may phone the club for more specific showtimes.

Olivia Parrish will join Shayla LaVeaux in Detroit

It has occurred to me that when publishing yesterday’s post, I failed to make the event easily engine searchable on Google by failing to include certain keywords within the text —
the most important being Shayla LaVeaux!
Olivia Parrish
Live Appearance
Feature Dancing
February 23-25, 2012
Detroit, Michigan
Bouzouki Club Greektown
Detroit’s Bachelor Party Headquarters!
(313) 964-5744