I have certain principles, among them is the idea that games have rules and once the game is underway — THE RULES CANNOT CHANGE! One of my other principles is maintaining that only 90 seconds of Shayla LaVeaux naked is not enough to get anything done! Therefore, I was not personally pleased by the shark-jumping antics in the 01/28/13 Risque.com update having to do with a game (purportedly) concocted by Shayla, Kristal Summers, and Lucky Smith for use as a content shoot while they were in Las Vegas 2 weeks ago.
Despite the update title, the game had nothing to do with listening to musical notes. It was more a cross between strip poker and Family Feud wherein people guess if an item is on a list. No, wait, it was actually more complex! Each player (Risque.com staff) had to make out a ranking list of what he thought were the top 10 songs played in strip clubs and then compare rankings with each of the other players’…RANKINGS! Meaning that to score one had to find not only his song on one of the other lists but also in the same position ranking. If the rankings didn’t match there was no point scored. Kristal and Shayla were human scoreboards. If there was a match, Shayla had to shed an article of clothing. If there was no match, Kristal had to lose apparel. Forcing the players to have to match rankings made it almost impossible for the “mismatch” girl not to become the wholly nude one first.
It was the worst designed party game that I have ever seen. After Shayla spends the first 3 minutes of the 6 minute video clip explaining the rules (or tries to), the entire game is shown in Fast-Forward until it gets to where Kristal is down to just her panties and Shayla has lost only her shirt. The scene goes back to real-time just long enough for Lucky to say he’s changed the rules and Shayla has become the “mismatch” girl, then it zips into Fast-Forward again and stays that way even after the game is already over and the girls seemingly chat about how the game went. It goes back to real-time for the final 30 seconds so that Shayla and Kristal can say good-bye to the viewers. From the time Shayla is actually topless (04:37) to the fadeout (05:55) is only 78 SECONDS. In real-time that means she was topless or nude in front of the camera for maybe 20 minutes (plus Kristal was topless for an additional 10 minutes)!
Well…particularly in the real-time part, Shayla was as radiant, gorgeous, and convivial as I’ve ever seen her. I’m rather positive she is open to event hosting should the right opportunity come knocking.
To summarize: 36 pix; 5:58 SD/WMV clip.
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